
Ways to Build a Happy long Lasting Relationship

Marriage and dating have changed a lot over the past twenty years. The majority of marriages today end in failure for some reason or another. Commitment seems scary in those circumstances. When relationships encounter obstacles, people usually give up. The dating process is more like a marathon, in which you meet as many people as possible, instead of getting to know someone on a deeper level. Marriage is not hostage to divorce. It does not matter whether you have been together for thirty years or only eight months. Regardless of whether one is dating or married, relationships are difficult. Even if everything goes perfectly, there will be fights, and making the partnership a success requires 100% commitment from both parties. There is often a sense that something is missing when people break off a relationship. Someone or both people feel inadequate and unfulfilled because the "spark" has gone. In spite of the poor odds, many people have proven that long-lasting, healthy re